How to Measure the Success of Pillar Content (Reporting Examples & Tips)
After, "What is pillar content?" and "Wait, oh my God -- you really expect me to write all that?" the most common question I get about pillar content is, "OK, so uh, how do I actually measure the success of my pillar?"
It's a loaded question because -- despite what I've heard others say -- there is no single HubSpot report that will do the trick. (In fact, there are ways in which I find HubSpot reporting options infuriatingly limiting, when it comes to pillar content.)
So, what I am going to share with you today are the different ways you can track how your pillar(s) perform, based on how we do it here at IMPACT.
Before You Measure Anything, You Need to Keep 2 Things in Mind
There are three variables that will significantly influence how you go about pillar content reporting:
- What goal(s) do you have for your piece of pillar content? While, for the most part, the keyword you're going after with a piece of pillar content have high search volume, there may be cases where you are choosing to go after a keyword you believe will have high search volume in the future -- meaning, you're trying to own a keyword now. If that's the case, you probably shouldn't be hyper-focusing on traffic and expecting meteoric growth. Instead, you may want to zero-in on promotional strategies and beefing up your topic cluster.
- Are you measuring the topic cluster or the pillar content alone? Remember, as I alluded to above, a content pillar is not meant to be a standalone work of art -- it should be the beating heart that lives at the center of a much larger, strategically researched content framework called a topic cluster.
That means you're going to want to measure the success of both the topic cluster and the pillar content individually, as the onus behind this strategy is to spark growth for all of your interconnected content.
However, there will be some cases where you may be building your cluster out over time, instead of "going live" with all of your content assets ready for publication. In which case, you may be focusing more on the success of an individual pillar to start, rather than the overall growth of a cluster.
Traditional Pillar Content (& Topic Cluster) HubSpot Reporting
As a disclaimer, while I know there are many different marketing automation platforms out there, we use HubSpot for marketing. If you don't use HubSpot, I'm sure many of the principles behind the reporting tactics that follow below can be applied to your situation.
Unfortunately, however, I'm not able to report on platforms I don't use.
OK, with that bit of housekeeping out of the way, let's dive in.
Under Reports > Traffic Analytics > Topic Clusters, you are able to see a standard report for how all of your topic clusters are performing together, which you can then drill-down to the individual topic cluster level:
The green data represents global traffic, and the other colors denote the traffic to different topic clusters. (You can also change the view above from sessions to other metrics, like conversion rates, etc.)
There are two key caveats to this report that you need to know:
- This only reports against organically-sourced (probably grass-fed) traffic. There is no report that allows you to have a multisource overview of the traffic your topic clusters are generating.
- The only thing I hate about this report is you can't track total number of page views. It only tracks page sessions -- a single visit to your website from one visitor that may include numerous page views.
Broadly speaking, over time, you should see what I'm looking at above -- overall "hockey stick" (up and to the right!) growth with your topic clusters.
I look at this report a lot over the first six months after I launch a new cluster. Assuming it's the usual keyword grab, I try to see how a new cluster tracks against those we've already published. If I see something "lagging behind," however that may be situationally defined, I know that's my signal to go back and evaluate the pillar individually, as well as the overall structure and scope of the cluster.
Of course, I always need to maintain awareness around how much search volume a particular topic cluster was meant to generate -- some are naturally going to be higher performers than others, because of the keyword it targets.
In a global sense, I also like to look at how all of our topic clusters are performing together -- again, I want them to continue to grow together, month-over-month.
In this report, you can also track page views per session, if you scroll down below the chart -- by default, it'll be the number in the last column. I love this, because it shows me how sticky a particular pillar or cluster is.
We try to make them as sticky as possible by including a very visual CTA on related topic cluster blog articles to the related piece of pillar content, as well as eye-catching linked resources embedded within the pillars themselves:
For example, you can access our marketing interview questions pillar from a recent article I wrote about hiring a content manager -- which you need to do, by the way.
On our blogging tips guide, you'll find called out resources scattered throughout, to take you to relevant, more in-depth content about a particular related topic.
Using the HubSpot Campaigns Tool to Track More Interesting Data
I want to thank myself from last summer, because I had the ridiculously smart idea to create a global HubSpot campaign that was attached to every single piece of pillar content I created.
Not clusters, mind you -- just the pillars themselves. I wanted to see how influential these definitive guides were on their own.
Here is why I absolutely love what I did:
I've blanked out a few of the numbers, because a gal's gotta have a little mystery about her -- know what I mean?
Since our sales team uses the HubSpot CRM to manage their sales pipeline, I am able to track how much money we've brought in for deals where a piece of pillar content was part of the equation.
Meaning, I can say definitively that $195,448 in revenue was closed where a piece of pillar content was part of the equation -- which is a powerful way to see the ROI of content. (I like content that makes money.)
In some cases, they may have looked at one or two pieces of pillar content, but in a lot of cases, I found scenarios like the one below -- where a deal that ultimately brought in more than $10,000+ in revenue across two deals was due to a single contact who spent a TON of time looking at and downloading multiple pillar guides:
In total, this one person looked at (and, in some cases, downloaded) four different ungated pillars -- content style guide, brand messaging, growth-driven design, and keyword research. (We give people the option to download a PDF version of every pillar we create for convenience, even though the entire guide is available to read without having to give us your email address.)
Undoubtedly, the pillars we created were a significant factor in this person's decision to work with us, which -- again -- I love, because I can say definitively that the amount of revenue associated with that deal ($10,000+) can be directly attributed to those efforts.
And that's just one of the deals out of that $190,000+ number of influenced revenue. But had I not created this holistic view in HubSpot campaigns, I would have never known.
Finally, Don't Forget the "Soft" Victories
There are two other things I look for in pillar content to call it a success:
- Someone from our sales team -- or multiple members from our sales team, ideally -- say that what we've created is an insanely valuable piece of sales enablement content they will start using immediately.
- The author of a particular pillar is able to use the link to the guide they built as a way to bring people to them that they connect with at events, speaking engagements, and so on. For example, IMPACT Client Success Specialist Myriah Anderson shared that -- after she participated in a SalesHacker webinar as a speaker, she had an influx of connection requests and messages on LinkedIn.
Since we always put an author box on each pillar, like so...
...Myriah was able to send a link to her video for sales guide as a follow-up to those who connected with her. It appeared more personal and relevant because her name and delightful face were on it, and it was directly related to the topic she was speaking on for SalesHacker -- using video to create wins for your sales team.
"Wait, What About the Actual Topic Cluster Reporting Options in the HubSpot SEO Tool?"
Yeah, about those... I uh... I don't really use them. I don't find them valuable. Generally speaking, I love that I'm able to "hack the system" a bit with HubSpot campaigns and in other ways. But overall, I find much of the de facto reporting for pillar content and topic clusters in HubSpot to be lacking.
I still hate that there is no single view for me to see the number of organically-sourced page views our topic clusters bring in. You can get this number by going to each individual cluster in the SEO tool and calculating it, but it is exhausting. I shouldn't have to do that.
That said, I am also really happy with some of the ways I've been able to track not only the traffic gains, but also the bottom-line impact ($$$) our pillar content is having on the business -- that last part is a big deal considering how much effort goes into building all of them.
However, what works for me may not work for you -- although I hope it does. To find the right path of measuring pillar content (and topic clusters), remember to start with your goals first.
And never rely on a single metric to tell you the whole story.

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